Receive Top 1% AI Interviewed Candidates in 3-5 days.

We have placed 1,000+ candidates. Here are some of our recent placements:

Using the power of AI within just a few days from when you post your job we will confidentially interview hundreds of candidates, stack rank them by their technical skills as evaluated during our AI interviews, and send you the top 1%, the best 2-4 candidates. By posting a job you agree that if you hire anyone we send you you will hire them through CardinalHire, Inc. We charge you 25% of their monthly rate for contractors, 25% of their annual salary for hiring employees on our payroll, or 10% of their annual salary for direct-hire employees on your payroll.


AI interviewer screens candidates for you


Easily set up interviews with our intuitive scheduling tool.


Conduct AI-driven interviews that assess candidates in real time.


Analyze comprehensive reports to make informed hiring decisions.

Why job seekers choose us

  • Connect directly with founders at leading startups—no third-party recruiters involved.
  • Get all the information you need upfront, including salary, stock options, and more, before applying.
  • No need for cover letters—your profile is all that’s required. Apply with just one click.
  • Discover unique job opportunities at startups and tech companies that aren’t listed elsewhere.

Integrate your ATS

  • CardinalTalent integrates smoothly with your existing ATS, ensuring no disruption to your current processes.
  • Maintain Workflow: Keep your recruitment workflow intact while adding powerful AI capabilities to enhance hiring efficiency.
  • Enjoy a hassle-free integration process that connects CardinalTalent with your ATS in minutes.
Improving Hiring Efficiency

Reduce time-to-hire by 50% with automated interview scheduling and real-time analysis. Focus on top candidates and make informed decisions quickly.

Scale Your Hiring Efforts Seamlessly

Handle high-volume recruitment with ease using our scalable AI interviewer, capable of managing numerous interviews at once.

Promote Diversity and Inclusion

Reach a broader range of candidates with multilingual support and unbiased AI-driven assessments.

Assess Specialized Roles Accurately

Tailor your interviews with customizable question modules to evaluate candidates for specific roles.